
The unfathomable life of an uneaten French pastry and other adventures

“Did you choose the worst one?” she asked, half chuckling and half bewildered. I stood for a moment bewildered by the question, caught frozen by existential dilemma because it could apply to so many things in life: a moment, a relationship, or in this case, a grapefruit.

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Showing up for change

I hate change. I do. It upsets my routines, it reminds me that life is uncertain, and it shows me that all things that come to pass must also pass from being. And it’s especially poignant when it concerns people. This year has been all about change. Since last spring, I lost a job and […]

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Clearing the clutter

I’m not gonna lie. My office, which is literally a second bedroom in my apartment, has never been squared away. And it’s funny because I have had ample space at my past two residences to sort through this clutter. I’ve been writing on and off for the past few weeks but here I will regale […]

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Fitness test

If I had to explain to you why I love you, I’m not sure I could provide that explanation. At times, I’m not sure if it’s because you are the most beautiful woman in the world, or if it’s you are the most unobtainable. I can’t trust myself sometimes when it comes to fitting the […]

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“I said Corgi.”

For a few weeks now, I’ve been on a journey that I never thought I’d take. My boss and I had a discussion about my facial expressions, and while I was upset about the conversation, I knew it was definitely something I could work on. But how?

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Stop Struggling

It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything. And oddly, within that time, many noteworthy events have occurred that probably deserved some coverage. The run down includes replacing my car’s transmission, losing my father, and leaving a job. At the height of these events, my therapist at the time could see me fighting a […]

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Azaleas in bloom

I’m exhausted. I spent the weekend preparing to travel to my home state, which meant the car needed work, the cat sitter needed keys, and the backup cat sitter needed keys.  I’ve spent a couple of weeks talking with friends about what’s on my mind. When my parents let me know what was happening with […]

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Gay friendly Pennsylvania

The morning that I heard about the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), I understood that all of is would feel the hammer but some of us would feel it more than others. I grew up in Oklahoma, and while some of my friends have been quick to let me know they experienced discrimination on both […]

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Learning to Soar

I am grounded now, and I understand that my mind – and I love my mind, however mischievous – buffers itself from pain and grief by changing the narrative. It’s great to be a writer, but being a human being living real life sucks sometimes. That is the task before me moving into the next year.

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Rules of Engagement

When the program talks about getting down to causes and conditions, I always understood this to mean we begin to identify those things that set us spinning in the first place. Once addicts begin to spin, the force and destruction that results can be detrimental not only to us but the ones around us. It seeps into our work and personal lives in insidious ways. And that destruction need not result from substance use; our illness is a mental illness. It’s our thinking that derails.

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Loosening my grip on the reins

“Until now, I’ll have continually loosen my grip, and attempt to build a relationship with him that meets him where he is. He needs this, and what kind of relationship have I provided – what kind of life could he lead – if I didn’t find a way to support him in relishing this simple thing in his soul. I can find no greater love to give.”

Read More Loosening my grip on the reins

Booty poodle out

Dear God, I’m like Cyrano de Bergerec but with a fetish for broken women. As a friend has always said to me, “You’ll always get what you always got if you always did what you always done.”

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Don’t Squeeze the Kitty

It’s a strange sensation. It truly is. It doesn’t feel like my life – almost surreal. After almost four months of building communications goals, a content calendar, marketing campaign templates, and the like, I found myself without a job on Thursday. For two weeks, I wondered how the upcoming search for a communications firm would […]

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All of the things, all at once

This past couple of months have been a blur. In two months, I have been hired for two jobs. I left the produce market in the beginning of April because I needed a more flexible schedule and better money. Leaving was sad; I said goodbye to good friends and left a place that I felt […]

Read More All of the things, all at once

Definitely not the Chopin scene

When my parents had children, I think they were like every other parent in the world. They wanted the best for me: a well rounded, educated scientist, concert pianist who could single-handedly bring about world peace through the application of Smithsonian economics. Given their bent now, I would argue perhaps they have traded in Adam […]

Read More Definitely not the Chopin scene

I have a cat problem and other issues

It’s not that I’m unhappy with my life. Being poor produces certain stressors but it cannot determine your attitude. I draw upon the wisdom of someone who knows: Viktor Frankl survived internment at a concentration camp. He wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose […]

Read More I have a cat problem and other issues

Mea culpas

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had a lot of fun posting pictures for #tbt. I rejected the idea at first: why would I post pictures from way back? Many of my photos, I feel, were not flattering. I had body image issues, e.g. I always viewed myself as fat. And I had braces […]

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History of (my) Sexuality

A friend wrote me the other day for two reasons. She wanted to let me know how much she enjoyed my writing, which is a blessing. I have immense respect for her work. She also wanted to ask me about my sexuality. Admittedly, I had not really thought about my awareness of my sexuality. I […]

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The many faces of Diane

When I moved back to Oklahoma in 2001, I moved with the intention of gaining alternative certification to teach high school students. Oklahoma was one of few states, I think, that did not require education to gain certification. You could do the opposite: you could get the license before completing the education component. And that’s […]

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Go n-eírí an bóthar leat

One of the many lessons that I learned as a kid is that everything comes into being and passes away. My maternal grandfather died when I was too young to remember, and our family Schnauzer, Muffin, died protecting us from one of the neighbor’s dogs that managed to get out. My defining moment with death […]

Read More Go n-eírí an bóthar leat

Risking Absurdity

“Storm the reality studio, And retake the universe.” -William s. Burroughs I find it hard to discuss my issues with writing because they are so intensely personal. My journey to find myself really began about seven and a half years ago, when I experienced a reprieve from my obsessive thoughts about drugs and alcohol. Most […]

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Love, true love

Saturday was Valentine’s Day, and every other customer reminded me of this fact. I worried about VD, as a friend affectionately called it today. I’m recovering from a crush. It’s bad enough when a woman you don’t know doesn’t reciprocate. The flip side of that is harsh: you’re getting to know the person, and you don’t […]

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Gone with the Schwinn

I remember learning how to ride a bike as a kid. The training wheels came off, and my grandmother seemed steadfast to help me become road worthy. I felt proud to ride a Schwinn because the company received a mention in the Muppet Movie.  My little blue Schwinn saw a lot of abuse during this […]

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How Diane got her groove back

Growing up, I belonged to an adventurous group of kids from around my neighborhood, and we seemed to take on the world with a fearless cause. We took things apart, built things, and explored to our hearts content. It felt like we owned our little corner of the world, with its manicured lawns and relatively […]

Read More How Diane got her groove back

Trying to find balance

This week, I had an interaction with someone who is diabetic, and this type of interaction has happened multiple times with others since I began working at the market. It didn’t baffle me at first, as most of what I know about nutrition is new information for me. It went something like this: this gentleman’s […]

Read More Trying to find balance

Taking on the institutions

I have been meaning to write an update for quite some time. I finally secured unemployment at the end of september, and i am counting down to the time that i won’t have it. of course, you eventually run out of money. fortunately, i am interviewing with two firms. i had a face-to-face interview this […]

Read More Taking on the institutions

Bike safety in Philadelphia

I ride my bike most days, and today was no different. at the end of the day, i needed to ride up to the bank, which is located at 13th Street and Chestnut. i had to share the lane with cars up to about lombard street, and then the bike lane begins. keep in mind […]

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Update, Be Aware Philadelphia

as promised, i want to provide an update. well, given that i’m dealing with the state of Pennsylvania, it’s more like an acknowledgement that it will take another six months for the state to operate in its intended way. i received a letter about a month ago about the appeal process for unemployment. of course […]

Read More Update, Be Aware Philadelphia

Seeking a life preserver…

i promised updates when i received them. when i sent my mass fax to the pennsylvania department of labor and industry, i requested a phone call from both the UC service center in harrisburg and the erie service center, which is the service center responsible for my claim. the erie service center is the place […]

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What do you want?

my continuing saga includes the pennsylvania department of public welfare. over the past couple years, i have seen post after post about the ease with which people can obtain public assistance. this experience just doesn’t mesh with what i have experienced. in fact, i’ve talked with social workers and others who work with the unfortunate […]

Read More What do you want?

Wait and See, together

For now, though, I am reminded that I don’t have to do this alone. Learning patience is something my mind has struggled with, but it’s easier knowing I am surrounded by people who love me. The older timers have always loved to remind me to keep living my life and more will be revealed.

Read More Wait and See, together