Receiving the dharma name

i’ll have more to say about receiving a dharma name after it happens, i’m sure. my head is still swimming from the meditation retreat this past weekend. Zen Master Jeff Shore provided instruction on the ox herding pictures, which you learn about when you develop a meditation practice. the pictures represent the various stages that […]

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as happy as i want to be…

it’s been warm in philly, finally, i guess. the weather has been unseasonably cool this summer. i decided to hike again. it was difficult to get up this morning. i’ve been having some funky dreams. i suppose my mind is cycling through some junk because it’s been a menagerie of people who have passed through […]

Read More as happy as i want to be…

hiking in the rain

i was going to begin this post with the quote, “life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about dancing in the rain.” However, in the search to find the author, i realized how overused it is. overused or not, though, it reflects what i have learned over the past couple of days. […]

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