Brian Williams on Jon Stewart?

Just a passing note. I just saw Brian Williams wrote a piece about Jon Stewart in Newsweek, and I thought it would be interesting to consider the source. A celebrity journalist writing about a celebrity who plays a journalist. How very. Food for thought:

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the bridge to nowhere

rev. minju said my dharma talk would be posted to the Temple’s website, but here is the written version. She took my edited version, and some of the talk was improvised. Happy reading! The Bridge to Nowhere – November 21, 2009 I have titled my first dharma talk the bridge to nowhere, for reasons that […]

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building up and letting go

i have found that receiving a dharma name has brought many responsibilities above and beyond just showing up for the meditation services. these responsibilities are good; i have never participated in a community to the extent that i do now. and it’s good to begin to reflect on my meditation practice. in addition to presenting […]

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Here is a link for a wiki on the bodhisattva. plainly, a bodhisattva is one who aspires toward enlightenment. different traditions have different understandings for who might be a bodhisattva. but the video illustrates how we might come into contact with bodhisattvas during our daily lives. enjoy.

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how do you picture god?

one of my many activities lately includes meeting once a week with two of the reverands from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies in Glenside, PA. each week, i pick a reading that is typically ethical or moral in nature. we then read the article and discuss it. it helps them to work on their […]

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all over the place…

so i’m in the process of preparing my research presentation for the global temple conference at Temple University in Philadelphia. the presentation will be part of a larger panel from the School of Communication and Theater. i will join my colleagues and professors in showing what the mass media and communications program has to offer. […]

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So…i haven’t blogged in a while. partly because i have two blogs. but i had talked with a friend of mine, and she suggested wordpress. after some thought, i brought both my blogs together onto one site. you can still visit the blogs, if you’d like. you can find them by clicking the links. Stupid […]

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