Tricycle: Dharma Wars

this article is a great example of learning from the mistakes of others. i am afraid at times i might be guilty of the same thing. not of bashing other practitioners, but of throwing general nastiness into cyberspace. all in all, a good article about buddhism and blogging, and something for me to think about. […]

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Loving kindness practice

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking…” -Albert Einstein. This link will take you to the online retreat offered by Tricycle, a Buddhist magazine. It’s an awesome dharma talk – very illuminating. The talk is on loving kindness practice. I am grateful to have come across it, and […]

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really tom friedman?

this guy has really bizarre ways of cheerleading for neoliberalism, which seems the primary focus of this article. but this op piece takes the cake. as i walked across campus today, there were people handing out fliers, talking about the escalation of the war in afghanistan. president obama inherited a quagmire from president bush, and […]

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no one saw this coming?

the giant bubble in dubai finally burst. you mean to tell me NO ONE saw this coming? the question now is, how will this affect the people who depend on credit to survive? you know. the small people who can’t find the capital to buy a ford fiesta, let alone finance out-of-control capitalists?

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