Recreating journalism

i began my journey prior to the occupation, just showing up for the first general assembly meeting. i have found myself so frustrated over the past year with trying to make do with substandard pay and few options. i want to return to school, but cannot risk taking on more debt. i can only return […]

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whose ownership?

i remember as an undergraduate at the university of missouri-columbia, an economics professor told us that we would never live as well as our parents did. that our standard of living would never be as high. i chuckled at the thought. after the attacks on 9/11 and my first year of graduate school, i looked […]

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What does democracy look like?

what does democracy look like? this question has bounced around my brain more than once over the past few years. typically it was attached to more normative ideas about how american journalism should work, or how waves of democracy have swept over the African continent. like many, i think i have taken in bits and […]

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