
Mea culpas

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had a lot of fun posting pictures for #tbt. I rejected the idea at first: why would I post pictures from way back? Many of my photos, I feel, were not flattering. I had body image issues, e.g. I always viewed myself as fat. And I had braces […]

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History of (my) Sexuality

A friend wrote me the other day for two reasons. She wanted to let me know how much she enjoyed my writing, which is a blessing. I have immense respect for her work. She also wanted to ask me about my sexuality. Admittedly, I had not really thought about my awareness of my sexuality. I […]

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The many faces of Diane

When I moved back to Oklahoma in 2001, I moved with the intention of gaining alternative certification to teach high school students. Oklahoma was one of few states, I think, that did not require education to gain certification. You could do the opposite: you could get the license before completing the education component. And that’s […]

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Go n-eírí an bóthar leat

One of the many lessons that I learned as a kid is that everything comes into being and passes away. My maternal grandfather died when I was too young to remember, and our family Schnauzer, Muffin, died protecting us from one of the neighbor’s dogs that managed to get out. My defining moment with death […]

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