
The unfathomable life of an uneaten French pastry and other adventures

“Did you choose the worst one?” she asked, half chuckling and half bewildered. I stood for a moment bewildered by the question, caught frozen by existential dilemma because it could apply to so many things in life: a moment, a relationship, or in this case, a grapefruit.

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Wait and See, together

For now, though, I am reminded that I don’t have to do this alone. Learning patience is something my mind has struggled with, but it’s easier knowing I am surrounded by people who love me. The older timers have always loved to remind me to keep living my life and more will be revealed.

Read More Wait and See, together

Learning to Soar

I am grounded now, and I understand that my mind – and I love my mind, however mischievous – buffers itself from pain and grief by changing the narrative. It’s great to be a writer, but being a human being living real life sucks sometimes. That is the task before me moving into the next year.

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Rules of Engagement

When the program talks about getting down to causes and conditions, I always understood this to mean we begin to identify those things that set us spinning in the first place. Once addicts begin to spin, the force and destruction that results can be detrimental not only to us but the ones around us. It seeps into our work and personal lives in insidious ways. And that destruction need not result from substance use; our illness is a mental illness. It’s our thinking that derails.

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